
Poziv na završnu konferenciju projekta “DESIrE”

Ovim putem pozivamo vas na završnu konferenciju projekta “DESIrE” koja će se održati 13. prosinca 2018 godine u Briselu.

Više informacija dostupno je na poveznici.

Pozivamo vas da se prijavite za sudjelovanje !

Projekt DESIrE financiran je sredstvima Međunarodnog fonda za policiju, a sufinanciran je sredstvima Grada Zagreba, Gradskog ureda za socijalnu zaštitu i osobe sa invaliditetom.


The DESIrE Consortium invites you to its final conference in Brussels on 13 December 2018. The DESIrE project has been running for two years (since January 2017) and this one-day conference will be an opportunity to share our major findings and present our conclusions and recommendations.

The programme seeks to:

Present an overview of the objectives of the project;

  1. Outline the core concepts integral to our research on demand reduction in the context of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation;
  2. Describe the national laws and policies of our four case study countries (Croatia, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden) and their implementation on the sex industry and human trafficking;
  3. Discuss ways of combating sexual exploitation;
  4. Present alternatives to legislation to curb trafficking.

Participants are warmly encouraged to engage and share their ideas on these issues. For more practical information and registration, see below.


WHEN IS IT?On 13 December 2018

From 9am to 5pm 


E :


WHERE IS IT?Spanish National Research Council

Rue du Trône 62, 1050 Brussels 




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